I’m about to drop a major nutrition momhack on you. If possible, use drinkable versions of the herbs and supplements you’re taking. Capsules and teas are less effective and ain’t nobody got time to remember to take supplements or make tea. I put a ridiculous number of things in my “juice” every day because it seems to be the fastest and easiest way to get some of my supplements in. I start with Ultima electrolyte replenisher and add Biotics Research Acti-Mag magnesium, Sulfurzyme (to support hair growth), Crucial Four Icelandic flake salt (for more magnesium), trace minerals and Mary Ruth Organics Nettle. I love nettle tea but I just can’t seem to find time to make it. All of this blends right into my nutraceutical concoction and I don’t taste a thing except the Ultima! Magnesium is required for countless body processes and is depleted by stress. Nettles can help promote hair growth, balance blood sugar and regulate hormones. These are all very beneficial things postpartum!
Jana Spillers